PE & Sports Premium

The PE and sport premium are designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils; please click on the links below to see how we have spent our Sports premium within school to improve and enhance the delivery of sports and PE.

Ensuring Sustainability for the future:

This year our sports premium has enabled us to re-secure our sports partnership with the local secondary school who help provide a weekly coach to work alongside our primary teachers to build their knowledge and confidence in teaching and learning through PE & sports. Over the last year this connection with the JB Sports has given stability for the teachers to advance their own profession development to deliver a more secure PE lesson, ensuring sustainable high-quality teaching of PE for the future. Through the partnership we have gained access to a new local schools initiative for a pupil’s passport for them to take ownership of the PE achievements. Recently we have obtained an official PE assessment schedule that will enable teachers to complete termly assessments that will provide clear data and evidence of impact on PE professional partnerships and pupil’s progression in areas of health, wellbeing and fitness as they progress through school. As a school we are ensuring that PE sustainability for the future is built upon developing confident PE teachers within school, who will in turn produce high performing, high skilled pupils with the relevant skills within PE.

Sport Premium Plan Archive

If you would like to look at previous Sport Premium Plan reports from past years, please follow the links below: